My Family

Friday, May 14, 2010

I have to admit that Sandy's chocolate baby is so super adorable it's completely rediculous, but honestly I'm beginning to think that I have to have a bad marriage for me and my oreo crew to get super famous.
Even though I am mad about another Hollywood celeb getting credit for jumping on the black baby bandwagon a trend they did not start, I was reading something that said how Sandy could lose Baby Louis because the bio mom thought Sandy and Jesse James were goint to be togethier when she gave the baby up and now Sandy is going to raise the baby as a single mother.

I think kids should have a Mother and a Father, but Baby Louis is better off with single Sandy than with his unwed bio mom any day. Hello Baby Louis would never have been on the cover of People if Sandy hadn't adopted him. My hubbie and I are so incredibly in love, but even if we broke up I know my chocolate kids would still be better off with me than their bio moms. I don't even like to think about the life my kids would be living.

I also read this article about how black people were saying how could Sandy adopt a black baby with a guy that was into Nazi stuff. I don't think Sandy knew he was into all that stuff and thats one of the reasons she's leaving Jesse James I'm sure. I saw Holly Pete Robinson getting interviewed and they asked her about the whole Sandy Bullock black baby thing and she said that she doesn't mind when white people adopt black children, but she said they need to know about the hair because there is a learning curve...seriously enough about the hair, we adoptive mothers get it! Speaking of hair though in January I went to Sundance, I was hoping to run into Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt, I think it would help if I had some pics with famous people with Chocolate babies, but no such luck. I did see other famous people though and I had a ton of fun. I saw the Chris Rock movie Good Hair. I totally learned a ton and I'll be doing a post sharing all the awesome info I learned from the movie.

In the end I'm super jealous of all the attention Sandy and her cute chubby chocolate baby are getting, but I do think that she should get to adopt Baby Louis even if she is single. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Black Role Models

I don't get why black people have been so crazy lately. First Serna, that lady looked sooooo scared. I would have been really scared too, Serena is practically a really big buff black guy. Look at the size of her arms. I don't think they should ever let her play tennis again. Tennis is a classy game, if she wants to act like that she can go back to playing on the streets.

If Serena wasn't bad enough, Kanye West totally humiliated Taylor Swift (she is amazing, I totally love her!) I can't believe they didn't escort him out of the building. What was she supposed to do when this black guy walks up to her and grabs the microphone out of her hand? Then he goes on the Jay Leno show and does this really fake apology, pretends he's crying (I didn't see one tear!), and talks about himself the entire time. Where was the, I'm sorry Taylor.

And let's not forget these two, Chris and Rihanna. Are these the people that my black kids are supposed to look up to, no way. I would rather my black daughter act like a lady like Taylor Swift than a jerk like Serena Williams. With the way things are going finding black people that I want to be around my family is going to be really hard.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Reality Priority

The past week was a very hard one for my family. Right after the 4th holiday my hubbies job announced layoffs. I didn't know what to do when he came home and told me. I cried so much the past few days that I don't have tears left. My hubbie and I have been so stressed, its been hard to stay upbeat for the kiddies. My hubbie kept calling me as they kept taking people in. Some would come out looking relieved and others devestated and crying. It was so hard on my hubbie because people he has worked with for a very long time were losing their jobs.

I got a text from him on the day he that he got called in, letting me know they had called him in. I kept crying and praying that everything would be ok. I locked myself in my room so my kids wouldn't see me. I kept looking at the clock and thinking why isn't he calling me back. When the phone finally rang. I was so scared to answer it. All my hubbie said was, our prayers have been answered. The words were like the biggest relief that I have felt in a long time. My body relaxed but I still couldn't stop crying.

My hubbie has a job! So this week has started off great. I want to be able to help take care of my family and I really need to start being more serious about getting my reality show. I heard that Kate makes more than Jon from the reality show and all of the things that she does because of it. People have said such mean things about me and my kids, I don't want them to say that we are so poor that our kids would be better off with their birth mothers. This whole layoff thing has made realize that I need to start making my reality show a priority so I can help my family. Because of all that has been going on I haven't even been able to try and find a black friend.

With the way the economy is I don't want to my hubbie to feel like he has to do it by himself. I want to help too. Being a Mommy is soooo important to me, but I'm starting to feel like I need to do things to provide money also. In this economy are other Mommies feeling this way too or is it only me?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


As another holiday approaches I realize that outside of my family I don't really have many friends. I know that many of you are probably judging me right now saying "it's because of my attitude", whatever. I mean I have church friends, and I have neighbor friends, but I don't have many super close friends, that aren't related to me.

Up until this point in my life I've done everything with my parents (who are amazing!!!) siblings, cousins, in-laws, and my awesome nieces and nephews. I started thinking about it yesterday because at church a lady that moved here about a year ago (I don't know where she moved from) asked if my family wanted to spend the 4th of July with her family. I think she could tell from the look on my face that it wasn't going to happen.

Everyone goes to my parents home for the 4th of July even my hubbie's parents go to my parents for the 4th. It's not that I didn't want to hang out with her and her family, but my family is so close that we always do things together. I would have invited her but the only non family members that attend are potential in-laws, it's kind of an unspoken rule.

My hubbie and I talked about the invite and it made me realize how much we do with only our families. I think that for my reality show it would be better to also have friends who are not family members, so I need to find some friends. I thought about befriending the lady at church but she's white and so is her husband and children (so many of you have commented that I need black friends.) Plus i just don't think it would be a good fit. I would like to have a black friend, who talks black, and acts black and has children (a woman of course, my husband wouldn't trust a black man around me.) The problem is, where do I go to find a black friend.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trailer Parks Are Not So GHETTO

90% said that GHETTO is not ok to say. I didn't really think that it was that bad of a word, but what do I know, people get mad if I say Chocolate.

This was left in the comments:

English Major said... You don't have a space to comment on your poll so I will do it here.

Ghetto originally referred to the section of town where Jews were forced to live by the Nazis.

Today it is a term for a slum area dominated by a minority group.

Ghetto is not a verb, its a noun, its not a word that should be used to describe something. A trailer park can't be ghetto, but it could be in a ghetto.

Like English Major said, the word ghetto wasn't even invented by black people, so why do they get to decide if it is ok to say or not?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

More like Exodus

After all the join a group comments, I decided to take a closer look at a group linked in one of the comments. I went to the web site and saw that they were having a picnic, feeling adventurous, my hubbie and I decided to take the kids and one of my nieces.

It was awesome at first to see all the families with chocolate kids that looked like ours. I haven't seen this many black people since my mission. It was a little overwhelming for my hubbie and I. It was really hard to keep track of my kids with all the other black kids there. It was so awesome to be around families that looked like mine, but in the end I didn't see much of a difference from things I've been to before.

There were clicks and I didn't see very many of the black people talking to the white people. I got a lot of dirty looks. People were not that friendly. My niece said she had fun, but I don't see why. Black people act like they are so nice all the time, but they aren't.

What are groups supposed to teach me anyway? The only things I learned are that black women are still mean to me and some people think the longer they have been a member of a group the better they are.We have our family and extended family and our church family and thats enough group for us.

When I get my reality show my family and I will attend groups and others can see which groups are great and those that are not. My hubbie says maybe we should give it another try, but why would I go somewhere where they are nice to my black kids but not nice to me?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

AA (AfricanAmericans Anonymous)

JOIN A GROUP, get involved in the black community, read a book, take a class, didn't your kid come with a pamphlet? I know! It takes a village to raise a child, but why can't the villagers be NICE. I have been associated with adoption groups that have been great, but I have also been to groups that are not friendly and it seemed like some members were there to criticize rather than to help. I actually think classes are a good idea (I'm still looking for one for my niece.)

Thats exactly why I want a reality show! A reality show will give my family opportunities to walk down red carpets, wear fabulous clothing, meet fabulous people, and all the while sharing with the world the awesomeness and challenges of transracial (yes, I do know what that word means) families. I was on the TLC website today, (as I am everyday flooding them with emails about Adopt of Chocolate, the reality show) and I saw all of the shows about families: 18 kids and counting, Jon and Kate, Little People big world, Little couple, and you know what's missing? Yep, ADOPT OF CHOCOLATE. So what, if I think my family is fantastic because we have black kids. That makes us unique and there is nothing wrong with that.

Plus when I have my reality show, I can get my kids the best hair stylist in the world. By the way my daughters hair looks a little better, we went to Wally world and got one of the products a commenter suggested, pink lotion. But I think her hair may be too tangled and it might be easier to just get it cut.

Groups can be great, and I am definitely open, what I am not open to, is going somewhere, where people want to tell me everything I'm doing is wrong, and pretend to give advice, when what they really want to say is my kids would be better off in the ghetto than with me. For now the group I'm most interested in joining, is one that comes with paparazzi.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BLACKademics 101

Its been a crazy few days, I've been watching my tivoed (is that how you spell that?) episodes of Jon & Kate+8 for research. Learning lots. I had to let my extended family know of my family's reality stardom plans (I didn't want them to see us on tv one day and be shocked.)

My sister's kids were super excited and want to be a part of it (they're teens and tweens). I'm not a spotlight hog, so I'm definitely willing to let them join in. I told my sister that if her kids are going to be on tv she has got to get her black daughter into some how to act black classes or something.I'm trying to help my niece be more black, I'm not an expert of course, but I'm probably the most expereienced in the family, because of my mission and I actually had a black boyfriend.

I told her that she has got to stop saying LIKE, every other word. I want to make sure my reality show appeals to a wide range of viewers ( in researching I've found that a reality show gets more advertising money if the show can appeal to a wide range of viewers.) So to appeal to the masses she needs to be black, but not too black. Something in between Will Smith and Carlton Banks (yes, I do know what the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is.) I'm thinking if she watches the Tyra show that will help. We also have to work on how she dresses, I'm trying to come up with a Utah meets urban concept. I'm really into fashion so I'm loving this.

I'm creating a list of words that black people don't want us to say, that way no one makes a mistake on my show. I really think this list is a great idea, and is going to help my show have a diverse audience (also needed for maximum advertising dollars.) Based on the comments this is my list so far:

1. the N word
2. black-(insert someones name)
3. you people
4. and I can't tell if "ghetto" is allowed or not, I'll keep it on the list for now

I'm so excited, I see my reality show being able to bridge all sorts of racial dividers!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Double Standards

I think that doing a reality show is going to be a lot harder than I thought, but not to worry, I think that my family and I are up to the challenge. When you open up your life to others you become very vulnerable, and people have opinions, some will love you, and others will hate you. I just try to think of those that will love us.

I know there are so many good things that can come from my family doing a reality show. We can bring positive attention to our great State, show a real family that is like so many other families, but doesn't get attention unless it is a celebrity family, and even help ourselves and others. I like to think of it as more of a service project or paying it forward.

Even though so many of you think this is not true, my number one priority is my family, as they say, Family First. I wanted to blog for positive reasons, so far I've been called ignorant, told that my kids would be better off in the ghetto than with me, and to give my kids back to their bio moms. These hurtful comments and many more have made me realize that I need to protect my family. When we do a reality show we will have body guards to protect us, but at the moment it is just me and my blog. I don't want to expose my family to this kind of treatment until we have protection.

So just for the moment, my husband is forbidding me from putting pictures of the family up. (he's such an overreacter) I just think that women have a different point of view than men. He finally got a chance to read the blog last night and now he's all Amy what were you thinking, don't you dare put our pictures up on there, he's upset by what people are saying about me and in the end I had to compromise, because I've seen on tv how black people picket and march, and the last thing my family needs is someone finding out where we live and organizing a rally outside of our home, or worse a drive by. So at this time I choose not to post pictures of my family. (which is really killing me because my kids are friggin adorable.)

I'm so excited, my hubbie and I had our first reality spat, I feel like Jon & Kate plus 8! (by the way I am so sad that they are breaking up, but if TLC is looking for a new show, they should consider Adopt of Chocolate.) I tried to get my hubbie to post and share his side of the fight (I thought that would make for much better tv), but he's being a little camera shy. I told him he has to get over that before we make it on OPRAH! He said, you do know that Oprah is black don't you, and I was so proud of myself, because I told him, she's not black-Oprah, she's just Oprah.

Ok now to the title of my blog, Double Standards, many of you are upset by me calling my kids chocolate, I said how I got that from a black person, and was then told that there is a double standard and that just because black people say it, doesn't mean I can say it. I guess this is like the N word, I just didn't think that calling my kids chocolate would be in the same category. I just don't know how we are supposed to keep up with what you people do and don't want us to say. I am not trying to start a debate over the N word, I don't want to use it and I don't want my children using it, but it would help if we had a list or something of all these words that you don't want us using.

Thank you all for the hair advice (go figure, my husband seemed so interested in this post), I do appreciate it. I will try to wash it less often, like someone said they don't come with a manual, and no one ever told me I was washing it too much, not even my pediatrician.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hair Scare!

So, the hair thing is something that I totally need help with, so if any one knows, I'm all ears. My little girls hair is kind of like this, but worse. I don't know what to do, I wash it every day, which helps, but as soon as its dry, its just awful! Lots of my friends have the same problem, even the ones who have biological kids, but the Dads are black.
A black lady gave me this bottle of jelly stuff called black magic or something, anyways I used that for a bit but it ruined all of my pillows it made them really greasy and it smelled funny and I couldn't wash it out of the fabric. (note to others, stay away from it!)
So my question is how do I go from that to this. I love the Obama girls' hair. I know that a lot of black women's hair isn't real, so I don't know if this is their real hair or not. I hope it is though because I would love for my little girls hair to look like theirs.
Side note: So many of you find me calling my kids chocolate offensive, I just don't get it. I got that phrase from a black person. When my kids asked how come we weren't all the same color, a black woman told them that our family was all chocolate, some of us are white chocolate and others are milk chocolate. I thought that was a beautiful way for her to describe our family and I've used it ever since.

Dazed and Confused

After spending much of the morning in tears, about many of the comments left and my hubbie trying to console me, I still have no idea how so many people could misunderstand me. I called my sister and one of my dear friends they both have also adopted black children to have them read the comments that were posted. They were just as confused as me to what everyone is so upset about. I don't even know how black people found my blog. Not that it matters, I'm not saying anything racist.

To Ebony, (I don't know if that is your real name or if you just wanted to let me know you were black, with a play on the whole ebony and ivory thing) I'm not ignorant. I lived among black people on my mission and fell in love with the people and the culture. I'm not the first in my family to adopt a chocolate baby, and I dated black guys. So I do have respect for the "African-American race." And I did pick up on the Sarah Palin bash, which I totally don't get, she shows that families aren't perfect, she is a regular Mom just like me and so many others I know. She didn't hide her daughters pregnancy, she was open and honest about it. The saying is families are forever, not families are perfect. And I don't know why everyone is giving her such a hard time for trying her best to be the best Mother that she can. After all isn't that what we are all doing. Ebony I'm not sure what you are so angry about. Since you brought up politics, I will say that I keep my voting private and I am fine with Obama being President. They have been on so many magazine covers, and their chocolate kids are soooo adorable. How does Michelle get her kids hair like that? My little girls hair doesn't look anything like theirs.

After all of the nasty comments left, and all the tears, I thought about just not doing the blog, its just not worth it I thought, but after praying about it I realized, you can't stop doing something just because others persecute you. I don't think that is what Martin Luther King would want me to do.

I really don't know want to take up valuable blogging space responding to nasty to comments, so I'll try to keep it positive from now on, I hope you will all do the same.

Friday, May 29, 2009

My Reality Show

I can tell from some of the comments made, that some of you may have the wrong idea about me. I am in no way exploiting my kids. Infact that is exaclty why I decided to start this blog. I think that Hollywood is making money off of celebrities with black children.

Lets be honest, families in Utah probably started the trend of adopting black kids, but do you ever hear about it. No, its all about Zahara and Heidi Klum's kids. I want to bring attention to a real family, my family, in the place where it all started, Utah.

I know so many people who adopted black kids when it wasn't popular, trendy, or cute. Utah families should be given credit for doing so. Unlike what a commenter said, there is no way I could have left my precious kids to die in the "Ghetto."

I do want a reality show, but until I get one, I will just blog.

Angelina Who?

So who decided that Angelina Jolie and Madonna invented the black baby? In my down time which I rarely have any of, I had a moment to get online, I see this thing on how Angelina Jolie and Madonna are in a fight because Angelina thinks Madonna is adopting for fame. WOULD THESE TWO SHUT UP!

Hello! We've been adopting black kids in Utah for years. Where's our fame? Everytime I see something about Madonna, Angelina, Tom Cruise, or any of the other celebrities who adopted black babies it makes me so mad. I bet one of them came to Utah for Sundance, and saw all the families with the cute black babies, and thought oh, what a great idea, dogs in purses are so out, I'm gonna make black babies the new thing.

Well you can't have it! So watch out Angelina, Madonna, Jon & Kate, get out of the way Duggers, step aside octomom, ADOPT OF CHOCOLATE is here!

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